NYT citerar, apropå den grekiska krisen, Yiannis Stournaras, f d ekonomisk rådgivare till socialistpartiet, som menar att Internationella Valutafonden kommer att behöva hålla noggrann kontroll på Grekland, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/03/business/global/03drachma.html?pagewanted=2&ref=global-home:
"The I.M.F. will be here every few months and will be keeping a close eye on Greece's every move," he said. He jokingly conceded that such skepticism is warranted, not just because the previous government lied about the magnitude of Greece's deficits but because the nation has a tradition of deception dating back to ancient times.
"People haven't trusted the Greeks since the time of the Trojan War," he said. "So this is nothing new (min fetstilsmarkering.JW).
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